
Domestic US Shipping
We use the UPS and FedEx as our shippers. We offer you the following domestic US shipping services: Delivery Service Guarantee Claimed Walk In Visit t...
International Shipping
We ship internationally via UPS usually.  Please allow extra time for packages to be processed through Customs. Delays in Customs are not unusual. We ...
Why is my order taking so long?
Some mouthpiece orders are available from our vast inventory and can ship the same or next day. However, there are so many variations that require cu...
How do I change my address on an order I already placed?
It's totally understandable if your plans change and you need your Pickett Brass and Blackburn Trumpet order to ship to another address. The easiest a...
How long does it take to get my mouthpiece order?
We all want to know when we're going to get our new Pickett mouthpiece or Blackburn instrument, so we understand! When you place an order on our websi...
How long does it take to get my new Blackburn instrument
We adhere to our Blackburn build wait list and are currently 8 to 9 months delivery time on any new instrument orders. To get your name put on the wai...
Shipping Schedule
We ship all orders as they are completed, Monday through Friday. You will receive notice of shipment from us with a tracking number if available. If y...
Multiple Orders
If you place an order for multiple items, all items will be shipped together upon completion. If you need part of your order earlier, please contact ...
Special Orders
If you have a custom or special order, the shipping schedule will be dictated by the work needed. You will be contacted prior to or on the day your or...
Shipping Fees
Shipping charges include shipping and handling and packaging materials. Our international shipments DO NOT include customs taxes. These taxes are the ...